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Neon Tetra

5.9, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1.3 from 4 votes
FA: B, Singer, P. Paredes - May 2007
California > San Bernardino… > Big Bear Lake Area > Big Bear North > Big Bear City Area > Holcomb Valley… > Pinnacles North > Voodoo Garden > Coral Sea Wall > Coral Sea Wall - E Face


Mantle up on a ledge and make for the left facing flake. Work the flake until you can grab the jugs to the top. This route keep your attention until you grab the jugs.


On the east face of Coral Sea Wall. The right line of bolts. You can set this up to TR with a minimum of runners. Anchors face the other two routes so you are best to rap off.


4 bolts, anchors on top

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nicole about to reach the jug haul to the top
[Hide Photo] nicole about to reach the jug haul to the top

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C Miller
[Hide Comment] Short but quality with thin moves down low to knobby goodness higher. Take care when lowering off or consider rappelling to save your rope. Oct 13, 2011