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5.5 X,
Trad, 865 ft (262 m), 7 pitches,
Avg: 3.4 from 129
FA: 1933, Fritz Wiessner, George Austin
New York
> Adirondacks
> B: Chapel Pond…
> Chapel Pond Slab
Climbs the slab with fantastic friction to a birch terrace on the left side. The route starts on the left facing corner to some belay cracks up above it. You can skip pitches 2 and 3 by taking a run-out direct line to the third belay. The last pitch before that ledge, the 3rd or 4th depending, is the crux pitch. The steepest slab on the route with no protection. Make sure not to be lulled to the protection right where the grade is suddenly steeper and slicker (Victoria 5.6+ R).From here, climb the off-width crack past a good ledge and out on to the slab on the right for 40 Ft to a belay at an overlap. Climb up the slab as it gets easier to the small clump of trees. Belay from here, or traverse right along a ledge to the trees right towards the north descent.
The left side of the slab. Best descent is to traverse right to the north gully and follow a path with some fixed hand lines back to the start.
A small rack, a few medium and small cams and a few small nuts. Not much gear to place.
[Hide Photo] Mike Young (original member of The Red House Gang) barefoot'in the Empress slab in 1982. Jamie (Jim) Cunningham
[Hide Photo] Hanging out on the ledge just below the OW. Nice spot to eat lunch and enjoy the view
[Hide Photo] Relaxing on top of the off-width before the "psychological crux."
[Hide Photo] Soloing up the slab pitch above the offwidth
[Hide Photo] The "runout pitch" ... rock is a little crumbly not that steep ... just unnerving for the leader.
Brooklyn NY
Lake Placid, NY
San Pedro, CA
P1 - nice warmup of friction -- check if your head is ready today for what lies above. Careful not to make the anchor too high, or you'll have to down-climb to the "steppy" rock that starts the next pitch.
P2 - different rock textures ... right across the "steppy" rock, then up white-ish rock to make an anchor near base of giant L-facing corner.
(? alt P2 ? The reason not to go directly to the bottom of the crux pitch P4 is then you miss out on the interesting rock types and features that make this route different from most slab routes).
P3 - up a little along the giant L-facing corner, then out left before it overhangs, and keep traversing ... first across the low part of a thin flake, then up onto th first hump, below a second (less distinct) hump, and finish on top of third hump.
P4 - pretty much straight up, perhaps trending a little left toward the off-width. The reason it's rated X instead of the usual friction slab R is because if the leader falls, it's not just a long slide to the end of the rope -- rather the fall comes done hard onto a substantial rock ledge with a big elevated lip - (or smashes onto the unfortunate belayer).
P5 - I thought the off-width was pretty fun with my feet outside it on its left side the whole way up -- nice way to retain the character of the route as a friction climb. Anyway followed by another runout friction section up to a obvious (but narrow) overlap.
P6 - less steep friction up to a big stone lying on the surface, with trees nearby to right.
P7 - we were taking the north descent, so we traversed right (actually the easiest line seemed a little downhill at first) to the right side of the slab to the trees, found an informal trail up thru trees and across exposed rock sections obvious to the (non-trivial) north descent. Jul 27, 2012
Saranac Lake, NY
North Conway, NH
Also, with a 70m, or a "long 60m" it is possible to climb directly (in one pitch) from the top of P1 to the 3rd hummock by climbing up and left. In spring, or after a rain, there a bit of water to cross (rope might get wet) and a few bushes, but this "saves" a pitch. May 12, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
P7 is easy 5.0 friction. At the top put the rope and gear away, then head directly into the woods 20 feet, then right following a faint then more obvious series of paths up and right. You'll eventually cross one section of wet slab but there's trees to keep things safe. Around and down a couple trees, then up and right 40 feet on dry, easy slab. You're now across the main slabs.
Once you're in the woods for good, after ~75 feet there's a path DOWN (quasi drainage) to the main Regular Route walkoff.
As has been explained regarding the regular route walkoff, we prefer taking the second rap line ((2) 60m raps) starting at a tree above a ledge [NOT the first rap down a steep wet chossy gully]. At the bottom [you end up next to the small waterfall] heading across the creek below some large boulders and down the Chapel Pond Gully trail. Although this is not a direct line back to the base of the slabs, we find it as quick because of the established trails. If you don't have any reason to go back to the base this spits you out near the parking areas for Giant Mt. Jul 12, 2015
Estes Park, CO
Lake Placid
Little Rock, AR
P1/2/3 also offer some runouts so you can test your mettle before getting into the X pitch.
Consider the traverse into greensleeves. It's worth it! Aug 28, 2017
Montréal, Québec
I'm wondering if other climbers have noticed the same thing with respect to the quality of the rock allowing the building of an anchor at the overlap above the offwidth. Perhaps we missed something? Sep 24, 2017
We climbed that the next day after you guys and I lead from the top of OW. From there I stepped 2-3m right onto the slab and went toward the large flake that supposed to be the next anchor. I agree, it is not the best for belay. So I put cam there and continued to the tree island. There was maybe 10-15m of rope left after linking those two pitches. Sep 25, 2017
Montréal, Québec
We had the intention to simul-climb the route but ended up soloing the entire thing. If you're comfortable on slab the route is extremely easy and there's not many options for gear anyways.
You'll need big cams to protect the offwidth and theres a nice crack above the slab pitch past the offwidth to build an anchor or place pro. (.75) which also has an old pin that seemed pretty bomber. All in all a fun route to solo, the slabs aren't that bad! Lots of friction! Jul 29, 2019
The slab traverse directly to the right, straight towards the north descent was soaked so we opted to head straight up into the trees. We got pretty lost trying to shwack. Lots of wet slabs in the woods to avoid. We wound up far climbers right past the north descent apparently cliffed out; however, there was a two rap sequence off of bomber trees with new blue 7mm cord and rings. This double rap deposited us into the middle of the north descent route, after the normal rap section. We had a 70m rope and the 2nd rap took most of it. Not sure if a 60m rope would work. Jul 24, 2023