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I'm Flyin'

5.7, TR,  Avg: 1.8 from 15 votes
FA: unknown
N Carolina > 3. Piedmont Region > Pilot Mountain > 08. Amphitheater
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


The left side of the amphitheater. Climb the vegetated dihedral.


Look for the vegetated dihedral.


Natural anchors.

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Great route, never would have tried if we did not come on a busy day.
[Hide Photo] Great route, never would have tried if we did not come on a busy day.

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Winston-Salem, NC
[Hide Comment] This route is not in the Amphitheater. It is to the left, and is basically a variation on 'Buzzard Breath', being the right-side deep crack. It is used by camp groups, but is not "child's play" from the smooth dihedral side on up. Rigging cannot avoid rope rub, and the overhang finish for the crack will not be well protected. Jan 30, 2012
Winston-Salem, NC
[Hide Comment] This route is dirty and vegetated. However! It is not as bad as the previous commenter has described. There are new face bolts, and with a belay far enough back (the tree in front of Buzzard Breath) there is little rope rub. If you are already doing Buzzard Breath, there's little reason to not top out and change the rope over to this climb.

The climb itself goes up an interesting dihedral and a narrow cave to peer into at the top.

This climb should not really be done on busy days, as the belay is in the trail (or over it!) Jun 16, 2015