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5.8- R, Trad, Alpine, 250 ft (76 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Bradley White and Michael, then with Anders Kressy, 2000
New Hampshire > Cannon Cliff > 2. Duet Area etc
Warning Access Issue: You may come across small, silver sensors that are part of a research project on weathering on Cannon. Please do not disturb them. Thanks ! More details can be found at… DetailsDrop down


Michael and I started this climb up the 'Duet Arête' corner crack (5.8) on the right wall besides the giant dike fissure called Quartet. I led climb and moved up and left away from Duet Arête after the corner (5-6). Then more moves up into a long corner groove. I put in a small angle piton and some small stoppers below the groove corner and went up it hard (5-7) with a run out to a horizontal crack (there are foot ledges left of groove that will down grade this section to being a little easier. Then I moved down and right to create a pin belay where we rappelled.
I went back to the climb with Anders Kressy. Anders led the first pitch and I led the second. I led off left or back into the corner groove run out hard (5-7) from the belay and then moved right at the end of the corner and placed decent protection so that I could ascend up left on great rock ramp (5-8-) into the Quartet’s dike fissure. I stayed in the fissure doing moderate (5-5) climbing for 30-40ft and passed over a very odd body sized block wedged in the fissure (that was way more solid than it looked). After I hurdled the block I continued up the left side of the dike fissure and reached a belay station higher up on top of another block left of the fissure. Bad rock piton placements on this pitch. Came back next year with Craig Young and changed second pitch by moving right onto nice (5-6) face with 1 bolt and placed 1 bolt onto (5-8-) ramp. This pitch is still R rated.


Base of Quartet Dike


Trad. Rack and piton belay of first pitch bugaboos and lost arrow have been removed by me. The lead pins are still there.

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Starting the 2nd pitch. .
[Hide Photo] Starting the 2nd pitch. .
Anders and the start is the first left facing corner.
[Hide Photo] Anders and the start is the first left facing corner.
Scanned photo 2002. Top of Pop's. so far. Cuts across the Quartet Dike here. Scary safe no pro.
[Hide Photo] Scanned photo 2002. Top of Pop's. so far. Cuts across the Quartet Dike here. Scary safe no pro.
Scanned photo, Anders in the giant V groove (5.7) or go left around the outside corner up and back into V groove (5.5).
[Hide Photo] Scanned photo, Anders in the giant V groove (5.7) or go left around the outside corner up and back into V groove (5.5).
Scanned photo of Anders at 1st pitch, piton belay. Pitons are gone. What's up with the black? Somebody knows how to get rid of it do it please.
[Hide Photo] Scanned photo of Anders at 1st pitch, piton belay. Pitons are gone. What's up with the black? Somebody knows how to get rid of it do it please.