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The Giese Dome

V2, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 20 votes
FA: Eric Zschiesche
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > Devil's Lake Bo… > E Bluff > E Bluff North > 1. N Shore > 4. Show Me the Kind


Start just left of corner, crank up to a good ledge and slopey topout. Really fun V2, a must do.


Hike on East Bluff trail past Show me the Kind about 50 yrds and cut towards the lake. You should see a small trail that leads you to this boulder.


2-3 Pads

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The left handhold at the bottom of this ripped off, along with a large chunk of rock
[Hide Photo] The left handhold at the bottom of this ripped off, along with a large chunk of rock
Pat hiking the foot
[Hide Photo] Pat hiking the foot
Really fun problem.
[Hide Photo] Really fun problem.
Aaron getting after it.
[Hide Photo] Aaron getting after it.
The Giese Dome.
[Hide Photo] The Giese Dome.

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Terry Kieck
[Hide Comment] If I recall the story on this correctly, Jeff was trying to send this problem but was having a high gravity day. Then Eric Z jumped on it and sent it calling it the Giese Dome. Jul 15, 2009
Madison, WI
[Hide Comment] Nice, I like that. Thanks for filling in some blanks Terry. Jul 15, 2009
Travis Kaney
Green Bay, WI
[Hide Comment] This is a really fun problem that should not be skipped when taking a tour of the North Shore. Sep 9, 2014
Sam Francis
Rock Springs, WI
[Hide Comment] Great boulder for a quick hit. Easy approach, good landing, and dries up soon after a rain Sep 10, 2019
[Hide Comment] A tree fell across the top of this and Power of the Chrome Dome, lots of branches now hanging into routes. May 7, 2022
Josh Lukas
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] It looks like a big piece of this came off. I hadn’t tried this one before so I’m not sure when, but a video I found from three years ago was before the break. Jun 17, 2022