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Hanging with Hornets

5.8 PG13, Trad, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Michigan > Upper Peninsula > Marquette (and… > 550 Roped > Hogback Mountain > Second Buttress


Many variations possible on thin slabs leading to a pull through an overhang. Bolt has been added down low, which eliminates old run out


on second buttress just left of Two Many Ladybugs


The crack can be led with 00,0, and 1 metolius cams and a #4 stopper. One bolt.

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The right hand (harder) slab with top anchor visible
[Hide Photo] The right hand (harder) slab with top anchor visible
top roping hanging
[Hide Photo] top roping hanging
john seconding the FFA
[Hide Photo] john seconding the FFA
topping out on the FFA
[Hide Photo] topping out on the FFA
TC cleaning the right hand slab
[Hide Photo] TC cleaning the right hand slab

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Alex W
[Hide Comment] A bolt has been added that makes leading the route through the overhang to the crack quite well protected, I would say this goes at 5.8. The slab to the right has also been bolted and is a fine climb that likely goes at 5.8. WARNING there are TWO nests of stinging insects on this route in two of the jugs, to avoid these makes the route go more at 5.9+. Despite the route being named "Hanging With Hornets" I believe based on the nest morphology these are paper wasps (…), perhaps this variation should be called "Wailing With Wasps". There are two new bolts at top with rap rings. Jun 28, 2020
Brandon Snyder
Marquette MI
  5.8 PG13
[Hide Comment] Anchors have been added to this area and the route on the slab to the right is actually 10c although it looks easier there isn't much available for holds. That route hasn't been named yet but will be added to mountain project this fall when a few other routes go in back there. There are currently five sets of anchors in that area. Aug 4, 2020