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5.5, TR,  Avg: 1.5 from 2 votes
FA: unknown
Pennsylvania > S Central PA > Shaffer Rocks (… > Main Wall


Hipster is a crack system with a shallow roof just right of The Bitch. This route can be a dirty affair.


Build your own anchor at the top.

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[Hide Comment] Not sure from this description (because it's relative to the other climbs who's location I'm not sure of), but I'm assuming it means
the obvious gully (rather wide at its bottom) - which is 10-15 feet left from the Grungie gully (which is about 10 feet left of the obvious Blazing Saddles inside corner) - and to the right of Leap of Faith.

I wouldn't call it a "crack system", just a gully which is wide at the bottom and gets narrow higher up. Gets steeper higher up, but I might call it a "shallow roof". So maybe it's not the route called "Hipster".

Anyway, going up that gully has lots of interesting thoughtful stemming moves (and not so dirty when I did it on Top-Rope). Worthwhile for those who enjoy stemming/bridging -- or want practice to improve their stemming technique. I'd grade it 5.7 May 23, 2015