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> S Central PA
> Shaffer Rocks (…
> Main Wall
Hipster is a crack system with a shallow roof just right of The Bitch. This route can be a dirty affair.
Build your own anchor at the top.
the obvious gully (rather wide at its bottom) - which is 10-15 feet left from the Grungie gully (which is about 10 feet left of the obvious Blazing Saddles inside corner) - and to the right of Leap of Faith.
I wouldn't call it a "crack system", just a gully which is wide at the bottom and gets narrow higher up. Gets steeper higher up, but I might call it a "shallow roof". So maybe it's not the route called "Hipster".
Anyway, going up that gully has lots of interesting thoughtful stemming moves (and not so dirty when I did it on Top-Rope). Worthwhile for those who enjoy stemming/bridging -- or want practice to improve their stemming technique. I'd grade it 5.7 May 23, 2015