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Yellow Pages

5.8, TR, 1 ft (0 m),  Avg: 3.2 from 14 votes
FA: unknown
Pennsylvania > S Central PA > Shaffer Rocks (… > Main Wall


Climb the face just right of arete and left of Rapel Crack. Continue up left facing corner to ledge, then traverse left under flakes straight up to the tree.

Direct start is 5.10+.


Build your own anchor at the top.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Jim climbing Yellow Pages on the Main Wall at Shaffer Rock.
[Hide Photo] Jim climbing Yellow Pages on the Main Wall at Shaffer Rock.
Ross Purnell figuring out the next moves on Yellow Pages (5.8)
[Hide Photo] Ross Purnell figuring out the next moves on Yellow Pages (5.8)

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[Hide Comment] Great route. A pumpy start, and some nice delicate moves up top. Solid 5.8. Jun 9, 2020