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5.7, Trad, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 44 votes
FA: Lon Harter, Kelle Harter, 96
Nevada > Western Nevada > Reno Area > River Rock > Main Wall


Easy. Good Warm Up. A little run out at the top, but easy moves.

This is a trad route with a bolted face start to a crack system. The arete is a commonly done as a 5.4 variation.


To the right of Africa Flake.


Bolts. Pro to 1".

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Jeffrey LaCombe
Sparks, NV
  5.7 PG13
[Hide Comment] As was pointed out, the bolts stop about 2/3 the way up. Bring a few smaller nuts (1/2" ish), or run it out. I think the 5.7 rating assumes you use the arete, in addition to face holds. Mar 13, 2009
Thrutch F
Reno, NV
[Hide Comment] The arete isn't worth it. The crack that's out on the face, though, is. You definitely want gear (to 1" if I remember) if you plan on leaving the safety of the ~5.4 arete. Jun 5, 2009
Josh C
Somewhere out West
[Hide Comment] "Meh" was my reaction to this climb. Its okay, but there's much better stuff here. Jun 12, 2011
Lon Harter
Reno NV
[Hide Comment] Pro to 1". Mike Carville had asked me to retro bolt this route years ago to make it a "sport friendly" route but I declined as this is a trad route with a bolted face start. The route leads to the crack system and I can't bring myself to place bolts by a crack. The 5.7 line follows the bolts to the crack finish. The 5.4 variation climbs the bolts to the run out arete. The arete is a variation of this route and both paths are commonly done. This route receives a lot of traffic as a warm up route, waiting for other lines to open up and as a TR for beginners.

Route was put up ground up much to my belayers dismay. The route took weeks of cleaning to make it safe as the granite is in a decomposing state. Originally the route had open cold shuts at the top which have since worn out and were then replaced with bolts anchors. May 23, 2018
Brandon Wiltzius
Reno, NV
[Hide Comment] Boy, I'm glad to see this is a 5.7 on here. It's rated 5.6 in the guidebook, but I climbed it today, and I'd say it's a stout ish 5.7 depending on the variation you choose.

Anyway it's a fun climb. Good for a new trad leader like me. Sep 21, 2019