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Slate's Day Off

5.10a, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 68 votes
FA: A. Marquardt, B. Mattingly, M. Rangel
Arizona > Central Arizona > Isolation Canyon > Main Wall - Center


The crux is above the ledge near the 5th bolt.


This is the climb starting on the arete above the ledge trail, just 10 yds south of the Great Race arete. Climb up to the oak ledge and continue to the chains.


8 bolts; chains; use a 70m rope.

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Tyler Williams
Flagstaff, AZ
[Hide Comment] the upper section was good fun, although maybe the three bolts to the ledge were a bit overkill? Apr 19, 2010
Littleton, CO
[Hide Comment] A 60m rope is sufficient for this really nice route. Careful pulling your rope as we dislodged fist-sized rocks from the ledge. Oct 22, 2012
Gilbert AZ
[Hide Comment] we climbed up and belayed from the ledge, the belayer wont be able to see you from the ground and if you fall above the bolt after the ledge with rope stretch you might break an ankle besides the ledge is a cool spot to hang out. Feb 9, 2018
Manny Rangel
[Hide Comment] You might. I added the first three bolts with Slate's permission to make it a sport route. He's a great climber and ballsy dude. Feb 9, 2018