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Bridge Arete

V2, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 23 votes
FA: unknown
Alabama > Horse Pens 40 > Rdside Boulders/Cadil…


This clean, white arete is another underrated classic moderate of HP40. Start sitting on good sidepull jugs on either side of the arete. Stand up and reach for a hold on the arete, then a decent sidepull pod above and to the left. Moving your feet up, reach towards the upper part of the slopey arete. If you stick this sloper move, it's an easy reach to a good knob atop the arete and a simple topout.


The arete rises alongside its namesake bridge, which in turn is on the trail from Cadillac Thrills to Elephant Rock. Walking from Genesis to Slider will also take you right past it.


Pad, as a fall onto the bridge is possible.

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Doni at the sidepull
[Hide Photo] Doni at the sidepull
Bridge Arete
[Hide Photo] Bridge Arete
Bridge Arete
[Hide Photo] Bridge Arete

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Daniel Rickert
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] Really fun route! Guidebook lists as V1, which I think is appropriate. It's near the campground so no reason not to jump on it! Feb 10, 2019