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Amazing Pillar

V6, Boulder,  Avg: 3.9 from 61 votes
FA: Eric Z.
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > Devil's Lake Bo… > S Bluff > 03. The Reserve > Amazing Pillar


On SE corner of pillar: start with left hand on large pinch, work your feet up and get small crimp on face, get your left hand up, hike feet and throw for good hold up and left. A classic DL hard problem! Easier for the tall in my opinion.


Main attraction at the Amazing Pillar.


Pads and spotters

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Photo from a couple years ago.  Amazing problem.  Photo Satermo
[Hide Photo] Photo from a couple years ago. Amazing problem. Photo Satermo
Higher up on this superb problem, May 2011.  Photo Paul.
[Hide Photo] Higher up on this superb problem, May 2011. Photo Paul.
Super good!
[Hide Photo] Super good!
into the upper moves
[Hide Photo] into the upper moves
Grabbin the grips
[Hide Photo] Grabbin the grips
Satermo on AP
[Hide Photo] Satermo on AP
[Hide Photo] Squeeze!
First move, amazing pillar, May 2011.  Photo Paul.
[Hide Photo] First move, amazing pillar, May 2011. Photo Paul.
From the top.
[Hide Photo] From the top.
Colin sticking the crux stab
[Hide Photo] Colin sticking the crux stab
Super satisfying send, solo (give the top a good look/brushing before attempts)
[Hide Photo] Super satisfying send, solo (give the top a good look/brushing before attempts)
Sent this on 11.3.20, technical boulder!
[Hide Photo] Sent this on 11.3.20, technical boulder!

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] My choice for best at DL. Oct 9, 2008
Ely Finucane
Lakewood, Colorado
[Hide Comment] I have to agree with Eric. It has awesome movement and the rock friction only gets better higher up. Get on this thing! It is worth the hike! Oct 30, 2011
chris tregge
Madison WI
[Hide Comment] i normally shy away from giving my opinion on a line that has already received good, accurate comments. but this one is an exception. go do this climb. one of the best at the lake; certainly, the best v6. Nov 10, 2013