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5.12a R,
Trad, 30 ft (9 m),
Avg: 3.4 from 12
FA: Scott Harris
> Enchanted Rock…
> Echo Canyon
> Motorboat Rock
Access Issue: Rule changes for pets and trail closures 30 minutes after sunset
Rule Changes Concerning Pets at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area to Take Effect March 1.
Beginning March 1, new rules will take effect at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area designed to balance the need to better protect sensitive natural habitats atop the rock, including the vernal pools, and still allow visitors to continue to enjoy central Texas’ most popular destination with their pets.
Starting Tuesday, pets will only be allowed in specified camping areas, day-use areas and the Loop Trail. Pets will no longer be allowed to accompany hikers on the Summit Trail that ascends to the top of Enchanted Rock.
Most trails, including the Summit Trail, are closed 30 minutes after sunset, allowing park visitors to view the sunset and safely descend to the parking lot. The Loop Trail is the only trail open after sunset to gain access to the primitive camping areas.
For more info:… 830-685-3636
Some slabby face moves lead to a powerful undercling, then a BIG reach or deadpoint to the base of a beautiful, but short, arching fingercrack layback flake.
This route got an X in the original guidebook, although the crux is pretty protectable. The techy smears in the upper half make it a pretty heady lead, though.
On the front side of Motorboat Rock, between two moderate cracks.
stoppers, tcu's, and a red camalot for the bottom. For an anchor you can use a variety of cams from .75 camalot down to fingers sizes.
[Hide Photo] Ben, setting up for the long move off the undercling
[Hide Photo] Ben trying hard not to swing off the laybacks on Shocker
Boulder, CO
I led this in 2005 on 3 pieces of gear (hand size in the undercling, small cam and a stopper above, then whatever for anchor.) and no groundfall potential. just hard to place gear while laybacking. Jul 17, 2008
Livin' in the Junk!
FT Carson
Livin' in the Junk!