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Cloak and Dagger

5.11b, Trad, 165 ft (50 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 13 votes
FA: William Penner and Mick Schein, September 2007
New Mexico > Albuquerque Area > Sandia Mountains > Chimney Canyon > Clandestine Wall


Cloak and Dagger is located on the left center portion of the Clandestine Wall right of the obvious large boulder at the base of the cliff that marks the start of Wiretap. Climb up past 2 pins and some bolts to a thin finger crack on the upper headwall. Excellent face climbing and a devious upper section. Tops out at the rappel tree.


Typical Sandias rack up to 3"

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Mick Schein on FA.
[Hide Photo] Mick Schein on FA.
William Penner on the FA
[Hide Photo] William Penner on the FA

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Brad Ellen
[Hide Comment] Great route William and Mick. I think maybe 11b. Thanks for putting it up. Rack to 2" w/ more smaller stuff. May 13, 2009