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Unknown 3

5.10b, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 10 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > San Luis Valley > Witches' Canyon > Canyon Rd Cliffs


This is a fun outing and worth doing if you are in the area. Listed as 5.9 in the guidebook, this route is at least as hard as the 5.10c on the left of the tombstone feature in the first group of climbs. You will enjoy this route more if you place a nut or cam en route to the first bolt. The route gets steep here with fun moves on steep pockets.


This is the second route from the right in the second group of climbs after the pedestrian gate. It follows the left of two arete/rib features to the right of the large buttress.


Draws and a medium nut or small cam down low.

Per Matt Speth: someone has chopped the bottom half of the route.

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The red route.
[Hide Photo] The red route.

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Matt Speth
[Hide Comment] Someone has chopped the bottom half of this route. Jun 29, 2024