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Dashboard Variation

5.9+, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 20 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > San Luis Valley > Witches' Canyon > Canyon Rd Cliffs


This is a fun variation to the 5."11" Jesus Dashboard. Start is the same but after the initial steep, crack feature work left on the ramp and up a gently overhanging, pocketed face.

NOTE: a few years ago the anchors had been vandalized but have since been replaced.


This is the leftmost climb in the second bevy of climbs encountered as you walk in from the pedestrian gate. The start is right next to a beautiful juniper shade tree against a featureless wall with a crack feature on its right end. This is the start.



Per Matt Speth: someone has chopped the bottom half of the route.

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The light blue line on the left.
[Hide Photo] The light blue line on the left.

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Jason Platt
Colorado Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Really fun for the grade! A bit spacey on the bolts but good clipping stances at all of them. Ran two laps on it I had such a good time. May 25, 2020
Matt Speth
[Hide Comment] Someone has chopped the bottom half of this route. Jun 29, 2024