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Blind Spot

5.9, Trad, 200 ft (61 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 1.7 from 3 votes
FA: FRA Johnny Ray, Larry DeAngelo
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (11) Juniper Ca… > Jackrabbit Buttress
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Start in the corridor behind the huge boulder immediately to the left of the Black Pearl recess. Follow the obvious chimney to where it turns into an offwidth at an overhang about twenty feet up. Squeeze past the bulge. Limited maneuvering room and restricted visibility make this the crux. Continue up the crack a short distance and belay. (There is probably enough rope to do the climb in a single pitch, but it is likely you have left your big cam down at the bulge and it will come in handy again up higher.)

Descend via rappel from the bushes at the west end of the ledge. From the current anchor position, the descent can be done with a single 60-meter rope and some downclimbing, or with two ropes.


Use the same approach as for Black Pearl. Go up Juniper Canyon to the top of the steep section. As the canyon starts to level out, go right (north) into the streambed and follow this to the alcove where Black Pearl begins. A narrow corridor leads left to the prominent crack on the main face of the Black Pearl buttress.

Alternatively, approach from above while descending from one of the routes that tops out on the Jackrabbit Buttress.


In addition to the usual stuff, we had one 6" and two 4" cams, and we probably would not have been happy with less.

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Blind Spot
[Hide Photo] Blind Spot
The upper part of the Blind Spot crack.
[Hide Photo] The upper part of the Blind Spot crack.

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[Hide Comment] The start is easier (and more fun) if you think in three dimensions. As you face the obvious crack, look behind you (and up). There's some pro there and the chimneying is good.

BTW, Swine Tasting party is a fine continuation of this climb to the top of Jackrabbit buttress (similar flavor). Apr 26, 2014
[Hide Comment] Hiked into this sometime back and the bushwacking was really bad. But in the way out we found a better cairned trail in (further than the black pearl alcove). Hike on the main trail way further than you'd expect, and there's a cairn amongst the tallest trees. Turn right and follow the climbers trail down to the w Dec 9, 2018