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Route 2

5.6 PG13, Trad, 100 ft (30 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 1.6 from 11 votes
FA: Lou Lutz and Bob Chambers (1958)
Pennsylvania > Southeastern Lo… > Ralph Stover SP… > c. Neolithic Wall


P1 - Climb the crack to a small overhang with an old pin. Step up through the notch in the ceiling to the large ledge (Neolithic Ledge). Belay at the bolted anchor.

P2 - Climb a left-facing corner to another ledge, then climb another corner to a crack and overhang. Step righ to bypass the overhang at the "H-shaped" cracks. This pitch is dirty and almost never done.

Starting in the easier crack 8 feet further right on P1 makes the climb 5.5.


Begin at a crack 8 feet right of the left (west) side of Neolithic Rock (or at another crack 8 feet further right).


Standard Rack. PG.

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left side of Neolithic Wall
[Hide Photo] left side of Neolithic Wall
right side of Neolithic Wall
[Hide Photo] right side of Neolithic Wall

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gunkie X
Solebury, PA
[Hide Comment] Another better than thought of climb. Getting off the ground is the crux. Those moves might be harder than 5.6. May 10, 2022