NOT ‘The Pod’, simply called “Pod.” Crank out a quick boulder problem through a roof and style up slopey jugs to a traverse into the "Pod" feature-- a sort of horizontal hand-sized slot with an embedded piece of petrified wood sticking out of the lower right part. There are a couple ways to do the crux; straight up out of the pod with a horizontal handjam; or a more powerful leftward move to slopy sidepulls. Either way, you've got two more bolts of sustained climbing before reaching a salvation ledge.
The final boulder problem from the ledge to the anchors have been the scene of much heartbreak and anguish. Make sure you get this final sequence and difficult clip dialed!
Austin, TX
The climbing out of the POD is pretty continuous on flat edges. The upper boulder problem is not that bad, the holds are all pretty big, just longer pulls on a steeper section of rock, also I only did 3 moves to clip the chains, not 5.
Very fun, perfect stone and cool varied movement. Oct 31, 2009
Slade, KY