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5.3, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 4 votes
FA: Alan Bartlett & Al Swanson, November 2000
California > Joshua Tree NP > Hidden Valley Area > Real Hidden Valley > Great Burrito
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


You start in a low angled crack and move up jugs in two parallel crack systems until you commit to the right crack. Solid protection. Watch out where you're smearing some of the slab is loose. The route is short and pretty chossy. Fun beginning trad lead. I don't think it has seen very many ascents.

References: Vogel, Randy. (2006). Rock Climbing Joshua Tree West. Falcon Publishing. A great resource.


If your looking at the Great Burrito from the nature trail, Scamp is located on the far left part of the wall. Walk toward the wall and negotiate boulders (can get tricky) till you get to the farthest left crack on the formation and you're there. Descend the 4th class corner on climbers left.


Pro to 3 inches