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White Trash

5.10a, Sport, 25 ft (8 m),  Avg: 2 from 74 votes
FA: Ryan Beasley
N Carolina > 2. Northern Mou… > Dump > Dump aka Warpin & Dor…
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


White Trash ascends the first face you encounter on the approach. It's basically a bolted boulder problem.


The first wall encountered on the approach trail is short, overhanging, and has two routes. This is the left-hand route.


3 bolts, 2-bolt anchor.

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Friend on top rope crushing Dimpsty Dumpster. We may have crossed over into the route to the right. 

This route is pretty bouldery and while a short route it is a stiff 5.10. Use those ledges effectively and traverse a bit to find good holds. They're there.
[Hide Photo] Friend on top rope crushing Dimpsty Dumpster. We may have crossed over into the route to the right. This route is pretty bouldery and while a short route it is a stiff 5.10. Use those ledges ef…
Friend on top rope crushing Dimpsty Dumpster. We may have crossed over into the route to the right. 

This route is pretty bouldery and while a short route it is a stiff 5.10.
[Hide Photo] Friend on top rope crushing Dimpsty Dumpster. We may have crossed over into the route to the right. This route is pretty bouldery and while a short route it is a stiff 5.10.

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David Horning
Savannah, Georgia
[Hide Comment] The high country cragger calls this a 5.9+ Nov 23, 2012