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McFlatus Roof

5.10c, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 11 votes
FA: Greg Miles
Wyoming > Jackson Hole > Hoback Shield > 3. McFlatus Roof Area


Very enjoyable face climbing on great edges (some of them flakes) leads to a large roof. Clip the bolt, feel around, and pull the thing! There's a pin in a horizontal crack right above the lip... clip it if you must, but beware of rope drag. The fall would be fine without clipping the pin.
There's a variation that sports an independent start just left of McFlatus, then joins with it below the roof.


Next route left of Nhervous Sheep.


Bolts, 2-bolt anchor.

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McFlatus Roof.
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Gabe Allen
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] One of my favorites at the shield. There's a fairly cruxy sequence down low that leads to more mellow slab. The roof is a bit mellower than la bamba imho. Mar 27, 2020