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The Force

V9, Boulder,  Avg: 3.8 from 10 votes
FA: Jerry Moffatt,1991
California > Yosemite NP > Yosemite Valley > Yosemite Valle… > Camp 4 Boulders > Thriller Boulder
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This problem starts on the obvious Thriller crimp start and goes out left. The Crimps are small but the feet are positive which makes the climb a good bit easier then Thriller.


a pad

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Brad Gobright.
[Hide Photo] Brad Gobright.
Brad Gobright defies the Force.
[Hide Photo] Brad Gobright defies the Force.
Isamer working The Force; Feb 2022
[Hide Photo] Isamer working The Force; Feb 2022

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Jon McCartie
Sandpoint, ID
[Hide Comment] From what I've heard, this problem no longer exists in its FA form. It now goes at v9 and is called "The Farce" after a glued hold was pried with a crow-bar, making a much larger hold and lowering the grade. Apr 27, 2009
Will S
Joshua Tree
[Hide Comment] The hold Jon is talking about is the first hold out left after the starting matched hold. Many people use this hold when doing Thriller too, but it wasn't used on the FA of Thriller (but doesn't really make Thriller any easier though). Oct 16, 2012
skinny legs and all
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
[Hide Comment] First ascent by Jerry Moffatt in 1991 at the grade of 8a. He called it the best new boulder problem he has made the first ascent of. Shortly after, John Bachar ripped off two glue reinforced flakes in the name of ethics making the problem easier. Bachar said he used fingernail clippers to open up the flakes so he could get his fingers behind them and yank them off. See Rock and Ice #50 in the editorials for the full story. Apr 4, 2013
Andy L
[Hide Comment] The Force, V11 doesn’t use the match hold on thriller, the Farce, v9 does. May 28, 2022