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Instant Surreal

5.10c/d R, Trad, Sport, 100 ft (30 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 3 from 10 votes
FA: Thomas Kelley, Ralph Fickel
N Carolina > 1. Southern Mou… > Rumbling Bald > Cereal Wall
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


P1 Mind control is mandatory on this one. High steps, thin edges and sloping dishes will move you past 4 well spaced bolts. Continue up to a slabby crack. Follow this to a small pine and a natural belay. 100 Ft

P2 Go up and traverse left under the overhang to a notch(5.9). Step up and continue to traverse up and left to a double bolt rap station. 195 feet to the ground.


Pitch 2 is actually part of Nut-n-Homo, another Thomas Kelley route.


Behind the cereal buttress at the left end of the Cereal wall. 2nd line of bolts from the left.


light rack, camalots to blue

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[Hide Comment] Once is bad enough, but twice in a lifetime is too much. Climbing Instant surreal 5-8-10 and someone on top pitched a rock then a LOG!! off. Missed me by ten feet. Heads up. Especially on weekends. I will NOT be there. Captain Crunch maybe. May 10, 2010