Type: | Trad, Sport, 50 ft (15 m) |
FA: | Mike Schneiter & BJ Sbarra |
Page Views: | 584 total · 3/month |
Shared By: | Michael Schneiter on Dec 7, 2007 |
Admins: | Alvaro Arnal, Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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This route was also led ground-up although we initially thought this would be in the 5.9 range. We were very wrong! The corner which looked relatively easy from the ground proved to hold awkward climbing in a gently overhanging corner with difficult gear placements.
Clip a bolt at the start and make a hard pull into the corner. Climb the corner using a variety of techniques, jamming, stemming, and various face techniques. A small bulge in the corner is surmounted by careful stemming and is protected by a #4 Camalot underneath the bulge. Above, easier climbing leads to a good stance and the anchor, which is on the left face. When you lower out from this 40 - 50 foot route, you will land 10 feet or more out from the start of the route.
Clip a bolt at the start and make a hard pull into the corner. Climb the corner using a variety of techniques, jamming, stemming, and various face techniques. A small bulge in the corner is surmounted by careful stemming and is protected by a #4 Camalot underneath the bulge. Above, easier climbing leads to a good stance and the anchor, which is on the left face. When you lower out from this 40 - 50 foot route, you will land 10 feet or more out from the start of the route.
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