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Golf Widow

5.9+, Sport,  Avg: 1.3 from 29 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Durango > Golf Wall > A. Left Side


Climb a 5.9 move to get to the first bolt, then head up the face via easier climbing to the anchor.


This is the third route from the left.


6 bolts.

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Lee Frazer
Durango, CO
[Hide Comment] This isn't a 5.9- start. More like 10b. After that, sure, I'd call it 5.9-. Jun 11, 2009
[Hide Comment] I agree, a harder (5.10a/b) move off the ground, then easier than 5.9. Jul 5, 2011
Paul Winkler
Albuquerque, NM
[Hide Comment] I'm fairly certain grades were meant to go based on the hardest moves and not the easiest moves. By that logic, the grade should be somewhere in the 10s, not 9-. A 5.9 leader will not be able to make those first few moves. May 29, 2012
Ben Griffin
Chattanooga, TN
[Hide Comment] Do people really enjoy this route? Whoever bolted this route avoided an attractive and fun blue streak that goes straight up the wall and instead bolted left of the blue streak in some of the crappiest looking rock on that side of the wall. I would be interested in rebolting this route, because the Girl Scout Wall needs at least one descent moderate rock climb. It is silly how it is bolted. I thought this route is garbage. Any objections? Jun 1, 2015