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My Heart Grew Wings Under Desert Skies

V4 PG13, Boulder, 25 ft (8 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 38 votes
FA: Mick Ryan
California > Eastern Sierra > Bishop Area > Volcanic Tablel… > Happy Boulders > W Rim Area > Desert Skies/Morning…
Warning Access Issue: Read the BLM Happy Boulders page before you visit DetailsDrop down


A fine boulder problem with a stiff start, a nice rest and an exciting finish.

Start with pockets down low under the giant, obvious hueco. Use pockets and edges to make a couple stout moves to gain the jug in the giant hueco (crux). Move up on edges and jugs to the topout. Don't pull too hard above the big hueco, as the holds may be loose, some are hollow and it's fairly high.


A short stroll along the rim down-canyon from Morning Dove White. It's hard to miss the giant hueco - easily seen from the canyon floor.



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[Hide Photo] Cruxin'
Me on My Heart Grew WIngs Under Desert Skies, circa 2001.
[Hide Photo] Me on My Heart Grew WIngs Under Desert Skies, circa 2001.
Topping out My Heart Grew Wings
[Hide Photo] Topping out My Heart Grew Wings