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ugly overhang

5.8, Trad, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 8 votes
FA: unknown
Wisconsin > Central > Grandad Bluff > George's Point


climb dirty ledges to 5' overhang 15' up...pull overhang to hand crack above...big big overhang for the grade...back in the day there was a pommel that one had to straddle when pulling overhang, adding a certain pucker factor to the move, even on TR...thankfully this knob is gone now


long slings

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Ugly Overhang
[Hide Photo] Ugly Overhang
Very chossy route I'd bring a broom and dust pan to help clean!
[Hide Photo] Very chossy route I'd bring a broom and dust pan to help clean!