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She's Deadly

5.11d, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 72 votes
FA: Richard Harrison, Lisa Harrison, and Michelle Locatelli, Oct 2007
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (04) Second Pul… > Black Corridor > Lower Level > Lower Level - Right
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


The first clip can easily be clipped while you undercling in the large alcove, and the second after climbing out of it onto a tilted ledge. The next move is an obvious muscly sidecling with a really high left foot. It's pretty well protected because the third bolt is above the move. After the move you reach both arms over the hump and scramble to a larger ledge. The fourth bolt is an awkward clip, and I suggest clipping it from a single step above the ledge. Your right foot is on a slope, and there are two extremely chalked but solid sideclings with your right hand. I used the lower, better hold. The options for your left hand are all around the bolt and all are pretty bad. I suggest holding one for a moment so you can get a toehook with your left foot before clipping with your left hand. The fifth bolt is the crux, and I suggest a compression off two side pulls to a high foot, crossing your right hand to the 45 degree lip  on the left. Climbing is much easier from the final ledge to the anchor, so enjoy the victory lap.


2 feet past the small tree, there is a small lip that travels up from the ground and a prominent hole 8 feet off the ground.


6-7 bolts to an anchor

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Sammi a couple bolts up She's Deadly with a stellar belay from Connor
[Hide Photo] Sammi a couple bolts up She's Deadly with a stellar belay from Connor
Belay position for She's Deadly
[Hide Photo] Belay position for She's Deadly
Start of She's Deadly
[Hide Photo] Start of She's Deadly
Top of She's Deadly
[Hide Photo] Top of She's Deadly
First clip She's Deadly
[Hide Photo] First clip She's Deadly

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Jon OBrien
[Hide Comment] Great route Apr 22, 2009
Danny Meyers
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Got any beta like.... location? We tried a new route, just to the left of M&M in the corridor last Saturday and we're wondering if this is the same route. Aug 28, 2009
Mike Bond
[Hide Comment] Since this is not sorted or described, I will comment that this is the route that is now the first one right of the Heavy Hitter.

Bottom right from left to right (entrance) is Idiot Parade, Foe, Friend, Nightmare on Crude Street, Hips Don't Lie, Heavy Hitter, She's Deadly, M&M, Michael Angelo, Psychobilly, Burros Might Fly, Burros Don't Gamble, Adoption. Sep 8, 2012
Nate Farr
Flagstaff, AZ
[Hide Comment] Just one hard move at the lip, everything else is very manageable. Mar 7, 2013
MN norske
Austin, MN
[Hide Comment] Going to the 5th bolt seemed 12b/c. I asked a few people at the crag and they said something broke off between 4-5 bolt. You have to move off a heinous 1/4 pad crimp to get to the 5th bolt. If this doesn't sound right then I'm guessing something broke. May 14, 2016
[Hide Comment] The first bolt is now an ASCA glue in. The rest of the bolts have been tightened and ASCA links added to the anchor. Jul 5, 2017
Aaron Townsley
Ten Sleep WY
[Hide Comment] Glad to hear i'm not the only one who got that spot and thought "what the hell". Climbed this early 2016 and got shut the hell down. there was a bail biner on the 5th (i think) bolt. after trying all kinds of shenanigans and couldn't get through it. someone also said they thought something broke. not a 5.11 crux for sure. Dec 14, 2017
[Hide Comment] I would love to get some feedback on this route. I accidentally got on it thinking it was heavy hitter, which I found out quickly at the 5th bolt or so that I was wrong. Besides that the crux clip and pull over the last bulge was really difficult and felt a bit harder than 11+. Does anyone know if the 11+ ratting still stands? Oct 9, 2019
Eric R
Camarillo, CA
[Hide Comment] Based on the photo in the guidebook (Red Rocks: A Climbers Guide II), the essential right handhold for the heel hook crux has broken off. Now the beta for the crux move (at least for me) is a nasty compression off of two side pulls to get a high foot in the hueco located at nearly the same height as the hands, and then a right hand cross to the small ledge high and to the left. The move is very intense but felt great to get past. Jan 27, 2020
Eric Metz
Salem, OR
[Hide Comment] Awesome climb. If you enjoy short Boulder cruxes, this one is for you! Crux is a short, but solid v3+/v4 problem, stacked on top of a 10- climb. There was definitely some recent breakage in the crux. It looks like you were able to go up and right after the quicklink, but a major hold broke, and that no longer looks possible. The sequence is now pretty forced, two crimpers, to a high left crimp, and bump up, once you reach the next bolt, cruise to the finish. I'd rate this a solid 12a. Feb 2, 2021
[Hide Comment] Interesting to read that a hold broke near the crux (as it felt stiff for the grade). I agree, solid 12a now.. (Also, I can't imagine holding on to the crux if it's hot. This is a great climb for when it's cold) - And someone please bring a wrench and get rid of the quick link! Feb 22, 2021
Princess Puppy Lovr
Rent-n, WA
[Hide Comment] I am quite skeptical that this thing is any harder than 12a. If it was it would be my hardest onsight. It seemed comparable to other 11d/12a's I climbed in red rocks. Nov 1, 2021
Kaleem Khwaja
Emeryville, California
[Hide Comment] I see I wrote in my tick notes in 2018 "At least 12a now, hold must have broken." Interesting to look at the suggested ratings which started at 11a ca2010ish and over the years very steadily increased to now 12b/c. Either the holds are getting smaller, or it's the effect of all this 5G on our muscles ; ) Guessing more so the former, at least in this case. Jan 9, 2025