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Mellow Yellow

5.10a, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 68 votes
FA: Brad Mattingly
Arizona > Central Arizona > Isolation Canyon > Main Wall - South


The rock on this route is excellent. THe crux moves are exposed and safe. Plenty of options.


Walk south on ledge past DCMR and Angel Wing about 50yds. The bolts begin on the face and diagonal right to the arete.


bolts to chains

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Joe Garcia styles up the arete of Mellow Yellow 10a.
[Hide Photo] Joe Garcia styles up the arete of Mellow Yellow 10a.
Working up the arete on mellow yellow.
[Hide Photo] Working up the arete on mellow yellow.
From afar Mellow Yellow. Has awesome movement out over the edge. My climbing partner Bobby moving through the crux.
[Hide Photo] From afar Mellow Yellow. Has awesome movement out over the edge. My climbing partner Bobby moving through the crux.
Mellow Yellow. Getting through the crux between bolt 3 and 4.
[Hide Photo] Mellow Yellow. Getting through the crux between bolt 3 and 4.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] My favorite route in this area. Last trip out here Rick broke a hold that I use for the crux so I dont know if that will change the flow. Im sure it will still be great. Sep 18, 2007
roman d
Pasadena, CA
[Hide Comment] good warmup Apr 26, 2010
Bobby Anderson
[Hide Comment] 10/21/17 a loose part of the flake up high is marked with a chalk X Oct 21, 2017
matt evans
Mesa, az
[Hide Comment] Climbed this for the second time this past weekend, great route, harder than I remembered it so maybe some holds have broken away... Topping out on this route provoked the nesting falcon to screech at me. Probably my fault since I heard the baby birds which sounded to be at the top of kestrels last stand and wanted to get a peek at them if I could. So, I propose that from here south should be off limits until they have fledged. May 31, 2021