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Fuzzy Tights

5.6, Trad, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
New York > Little Falls > Dihedrals
Warning Access Issue: Unknown Private Land Issues DetailsDrop down


A truly unique climb for Little Falls. The crux is getting yourself unstuck in the chimney after you mantle onto the block to get in the chimney. This is a good climb on a hot day, the chimney is like a refrigerator.


This is on the "Tier of Fear" sector.

Climb Prepare to meet thy God (5.7) to the Upper Tier. Look for the obvious chimney.


Gear is good. There's smaller cracks on the inside of the chimney for gear. Could also use a BD#4 or #10 hex.

I rapped from a bush at the top (sketchy). Thrash your way through the thorns and to the left at the top to rap from a tree.

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Dan starting up the chimney
[Hide Photo] Dan starting up the chimney

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Jeff Welch
Dolores, CO
[Hide Comment] Heh... was this the climb you did with Julie, swearing your ass off when you got stuck? Then thrashed through the thorns to the tree and ended up bloody?
Good times. Aug 1, 2008