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Billy Tipton

5.8+, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
New York > Little Falls > Dihedrals
Warning Access Issue: Unknown Private Land Issues DetailsDrop down


Much better than it looks from the ground. The first crux is the short, strenuous handcrack that is followed by a thank-god hold. The 2nd crux comes towards the top as you claw over dirty ledges...I think I pulled on some grass at the top..bring a shovel and a weedwhacker.

The route gets its name from a famous jazz musician who was actually discovered to be a woman upon his/her death.


On the Berzin Buttress: From the left side of the crag, around the corner from a bolted arete. There's a large tree at the base and a small tree on a ledge about 15ft up. This route shares the start with Haggis (5.6). When you get to the ledge, climb the obvious crack instead of the dihedral.


Gear is good. Up to BD#3.
Rap from a tree.

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Billy Upton climbs the obvious crack just to the right of us.
[Hide Photo] Billy Upton climbs the obvious crack just to the right of us.