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5.6, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 0.5 from 2 votes
FA: unknown
New York > Little Falls > Dihedrals
Warning Access Issue: Unknown Private Land Issues DetailsDrop down


This line climbs a nice corner/crack. This was one of my early leads. I recall placing cams and hexes in the rotten crack against flakes that moved. It gets kinda wide at the top. I remember being quite nervous near the top as a train roared by. The crack just to the right is much better.


On the Berzin Buttress: From the left side of the crag, walk left around the bolted arete next to Buzz Junky. There's a small tree about 15ft up, climb the corner.


Gear is good.

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An early lead I did. n00b mini-pitch climbing
[Hide Photo] An early lead I did. n00b mini-pitch climbing