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5.10b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 7 votes
FA: Alan Hirahara, 2000
California > Eastern Sierra > Mammoth Lakes Area > Al's Garage


Climb a shallow dihedral, and head left towards the obvious steep arete.

Climb the right side of the arete on good holds until a tricky sequence just below the anchors.


7 bolts, 2 open shut anchors.

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Climbing the left slanting ramp of Chronic.
[Hide Photo] Climbing the left slanting ramp of Chronic.

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Sunny Slopes + Berkeley, CA…
[Hide Comment] this route needs a little more love, it's as good and fun as other nearby stuff. the bottom half is imho better than that of chasing the dragon or east side days. the upper part is jug pocket pulling on a slightly overhung arĂȘte. mostly huge holds with a thinner move right at the last bolt. a bit pumpy ;-) Jul 13, 2015