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5.11a, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2 from 85 votes
FA: Bill Boyle
Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Right Fork > Zen Garden


Pretty sustained climb with some crimpy holds that aren't so easy to find. Kinda short but fun climb.


This is the climb right of Buddah belly. They share the same belay ledge and can be top roped with a directional off of the last bolt


3 or 4 bolts to chains.

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Gregory Cooper
Phoenix, AZ
[Hide Comment] felt as hard and had similar styles to the 11s at Minimum. Mostly crimps and pockets. sustained until after the last bolt. Jun 5, 2021
Rebecca G
Crested Butte, CO
[Hide Comment] For such a short route, I thought this was really enjoyable and thought-provoking. Once you found the right holds and sequence, it had good flow. And, as a height-challenged climber, I can give it a shortie seal of approval. May 24, 2024