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Scream Chuck

5.7 R, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1 from 3 votes
FA: Todd Gordon, Cyndie Bransford, Doug Avery, 6-1990.
California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Indian Cove Cam… > Indian Cove CG… > Pixie Rock
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This is to the right of "Lascivious Conduct" and has the same start. Climb the short crack, then hand traverse right and follow cracks and face to the two bolt anchor.


Pro to 1", bolted anchor

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"Scream Chuck".<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] "Scream Chuck". Photo by Blitzo.

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shelby beardslee
29 Palms, CA
[Hide Comment] Yesterday the Anchors on top of this were replaced. Thanks Kevin. Jun 27, 2011