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5.8, Trad, 150 ft (45 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 46 votes
FA: KC Baum and Ed Rosette, 8/87
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Unaweep Canyon > Main Canyon: Un… > Mother's Buttress > Lower Mother's Buttress


Climb up good crack and chimney for about 80 feet until a clean finger crack on the right appears. Follow this nice crack to the top. No fixed anchor. Walk off to the right (east).

After about 50 feet, there is a 5.9 variation that follows a finger crack on the left of the chimney to a ledge with bolts (not visible from below). It is possible top walk off from this point by heading first left, then right.


Start about 30 feet left of where the trail meets the wall. The climb starts up a short, vertical, handcrack just right of a pine tree. (There is a longer, vertical, handcrack just to the right, a variation to the route A Fine Line).


Small to large nuts and cams.

Per Sarah Meiser: there is now a two bolt anchor at the top of this climb. A 60 meter rope will not reach the ground, but there is another anchor above Cow-a-bunga's 5.9 variation that can easily be used as an intermediate. It's on climber's left side of the chimney about 60 feet below.

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Following the route.  The rope goes up through the 5.9 finger crack.
[Hide Photo] Following the route. The rope goes up through the 5.9 finger crack.
Laura TR'n it.<br>
The anchors used are on the left hand variation.
[Hide Photo] Laura TR'n it. The anchors used are on the left hand variation.

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Adam Hallin
Glenwood Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Be careful pulling the rope from the upper anchor, it can get stuck pretty easily. Ask me how I know. Apr 29, 2020
Brenda Leach
Ridgway, CO
[Hide Comment] With rope stretch, a 70m rope works for the rappel. Tie knots on the ends of the rope. May 28, 2023