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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Trad, 80 ft (24 m),
Avg: 3.5 from 26
FA: Michael Crowder, Chris Hall, 1984
> Mt Yonah
> Main Face
LSD offers thin balancy slab climbing past three bolts to a bolted belay. First bolt is high. There is a second optional pitch that goes up underneath the second overhang. Rap from bolts up there.
LSD is located between Afternoon Delight and Special Edition on the steep slab right of the balance climb area on the right side of the main face.
3 bolts, anchors.
Here and there.
Charlotte, NC
Leadouts are fairly long but not really dangerous aside from scraped knees. Staying slightly right after the first bolt, there is a nice sidepull that gives a rest from the finger crunching. Mar 11, 2013
Boulder, CO
1981 perhaps???
Have fun!
Jim Mar 22, 2016