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All that, Jazz

5.8, Trad, Sport, TR, 300 ft (91 m), 3 pitches,  Avg: 2.7 from 138 votes
FA: Mike McGlynn & Todd Lane 25 Feb 07
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (01) Calico Basin > Guardian Angel… > Black Wall (aka Happy…
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


The first pitch was originally put up by Mark Limage and it consisted of 3 bolts and a bolted anchor. We added a new first bolt (with Mark's permission) to make the start a little less intimidating for climbers leading at this grade. Thanks Mark.

P1: (5.7) Climb the bolted face to the second anchor. Use the first to clip a draw but continue literally 10' left and 15' higher to the second anchor for the belay. This is a really comfy ledge, be careful not to get complacent and forget you are about 60' up. (60')

The second anchor was placed by Chris Burton and Mike Burton (not related) for a single pitch route called "Greek Tragedy." This climb ascends the shallow ramp to the left (east) of the direct start for the first pitch of All that, Jazz. Looks like it takes small gear. Thanks for the information Chris!

P2: (5.8) Trend 10' right to gain the shallow, left-facing corner/crack. Place gear as you like in the crack using long slings to prevent drag. Use the ample face features and crack to stem, lie-back, and smear your way up. When the crack ends, look for a bolt up and to the left. Traverse to the bolt (if it seems too high, look for feet) and then continue left to the crux, a short, dead-vertical headwall that will "go" easily to some really fun moves! There is a protection bolt smack in the center of the headwall to protect these moves. Pull the headwall to a bolted anchor and a reasonable, slabby ledge. (110')

P2 Option: (5.8) If you have time, rap or lower back to the first station after the your second cleans the pitch and top rope straight up the face back to the second anchor - fun climbing that adds another 110' to the day!

P:3 (5.6) Step off left and make a few moves on the solid-varnished vertical face to a single bolt (the only one on this pitch) about 8 feet off the belay. Continue straight up this face as it slabs off and becomes easier. Place gear as you like in ample horizontals and try to stay to the left in the black varnish. Trending right leads to climbable terrain but the rock quality is not as good and the placements will be fewer and more questionable! Watch rope drag as you move higher on the slab. There is a bolted anchor at the top, no rings or links. (110')

We took our time, placed plenty of gear, sat on the top in the sun for a while, stopped for photos and the route took us about 2 hours pack-to-pack.


See the general description. The thumb-like feature stands out and easily identifies the start of this route. Approach time is a casual 20 minutes.

One of the best things about the route is it has a walk off - a really easy walk off! After topping out, walk up the ramp to the left toward an obvious tree. Then cut sharply right and walk along the ridge line - there are some cairns, but they seem to lead everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The trick is this, as you walk west along the ridge, always try to trend to the right (toward the "U" notch or saddle and away from the park). You will have to trend left toward the park and then back toward the saddle a couple of times but ultimately, you will end up in the saddle gully. Until you know the descent, you will find this a little confusing, however trending right will ultimately lead you right to the easy gully where you can turn sharply right again and hike back to your pack in about 5 minutes.
If you use this "always right" method, the correct descent NEVER gets dangerous or exposed. You will come to areas that are both, when this happens, backtrack, go to the left to easier terrain and start trending right again as soon as possible. You will know you are close when you go down into a gully and see a huge solitary boulder leaning across a two-level slab. If you walk past this boulder and turn around to look at it, it has two rectangular holes in it and you can see it is practically hollow inside. These two "eyes" look in the direction you want to go in. Continue down where you will see two big boulders in the gully. Go under the first and under or over the second. Total descent time is about 20 minutes.

If you have time, when you come out of the descent gully, go west toward the saddle and Cut Your Teeth crag (literally minutes away) and climb November Daze (5.7 100') and September Knights (5.9 85')!


P1: 5 draws
P2: Single set of Cams from 00 to No. 2, 10 slings/draws
P3: Single set of Cams from 00 to No. 2, 10 slings/draws

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Orange climber at P1 anchors, Yellow at P2 anchors
[Hide Photo] Orange climber at P1 anchors, Yellow at P2 anchors
This "rabbit" shaped rock sits 3 feet from the base of All that, Jazz. Picture taken from the belay stance.
[Hide Photo] This "rabbit" shaped rock sits 3 feet from the base of All that, Jazz. Picture taken from the belay stance.
Nicholas Martin reaching the final moves of the second pitch.
[Hide Photo] Nicholas Martin reaching the final moves of the second pitch.
Looking down from pitch 2 anchors
[Hide Photo] Looking down from pitch 2 anchors
roomy first ledge
[Hide Photo] roomy first ledge
All That Jazz, pitch 2
[Hide Photo] All That Jazz, pitch 2
John R. leading P2 of ATJ
[Hide Photo] John R. leading P2 of ATJ
From the second pitch belay down to the first and the ground.  That varnish is awesome.  Take the time to TR the direct line!
[Hide Photo] From the second pitch belay down to the first and the ground. That varnish is awesome. Take the time to TR the direct line!
A closer look at the route.
[Hide Photo] A closer look at the route.
From the hike up.  The entire route from a distance.
[Hide Photo] From the hike up. The entire route from a distance.
This is a picture looking up the correct descent gully.  If you have time, run from the base of the climb to this gully and scramble up it so you know what it looks like from the other direction.  It may not look it in this photo, but this thing is an easy walk -
[Hide Photo] This is a picture looking up the correct descent gully. If you have time, run from the base of the climb to this gully and scramble up it so you know what it looks like from the other direction.…
John and Steve on P2 of ATJ
[Hide Photo] John and Steve on P2 of ATJ

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Francis Baker (fran)
Las Vegas,NV
[Hide Comment] I have climbed the first pitch you describe and then walked 15' left on the ledge and went up along a crack system almost to the top. I built an anchor when I ran out of rope and we scrambled to the top from there. I thought/think we were on "Spontainous Enjoyment". If I remember correctly I passed a bolt or two on the steep black varnish section but used a lot of gear and made a trad anchor on the top. There is also anchor bolts w/ slings 25' west of this route atop a clean looking corner. Anyone know about that? Did you guys see them when hiking back to your packs? That's when I spotted them. We did the same decent you describe. Mar 8, 2007
Todd Lane
[Hide Comment] Those anchors are from the second pitch of Mark's original line up this face which actually goes up the far right side of the feature that makes up the second pitch of All that, Jazz. Mar 9, 2007
Francis Baker (fran)
Las Vegas,NV
[Hide Comment] Excellent second pitch you have here!! I have figured a few things out about the area and will post up when I get all the info,photos and climbing in. Mar 16, 2007
Salt Lake City, Utah
[Hide Comment] Great route and perfect for a quick multi-pitch in the afternoon after work on a hot day! Pitch one is super fun and cruiser; pitch 2 in the best pitch but the gear does get a little thin before the bolt so be careful (but the moves by the 2 bolts are soooo soooo good!!). Pitch 3 is good too! The routes walk off is actually pretty scenic and enjoyable, have fun :) Sep 21, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
[Hide Comment] Really fine 2nd pitch. Webbing and rap rings are currently in place on the two bolts at the top of Pitch 3. But, the walk off descent is easy and quick enough that rapping off won't save much time and walking off doesn't require a second rope. Jun 25, 2010
Andrew Yasso
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] The second pitch is very enjoyable, and the third pitch is still a bit crunchy (loose rock). A confident 5.8 climber will enjoy this route. Very scenic top out, with a painless descent. Rappelling really shouldn't be your choice, as it will just take more time and be less enjoyable. The walk off is in the sun too, as the route is usually in the shade by late morning/early afternoon. Feb 16, 2013
Jay Holland
Marietta, GA
[Hide Comment] Great route, second pitch has a couple fun moves at the end. Fun easy up and out if you dont have lots of time. The walk off is simple if you look closely for the cairns, and do not drop into the gully until you are looking right straight across from cut your teeth crag. Should get more stars! May 20, 2013
St.George Orem Denver Vegas
[Hide Comment] first pitch is bolted, for the 2 and 3rd pitch we didn't place anything bigger than a #2 BD, This route protects well with a small rack - keep it light and you'll be happy you didn't haul all that extra gear. Oct 28, 2014
Chase D
[Hide Comment] I climbed this route last week. The first pitch has 4 bolts (5 if you clip the lower anchor as mentioned in the description). The second pitch felt sustained at 5.8 with plenty of gear placements. The third pitch was easy climbing on poor rock. You definitely want to stay left on the varnished face. Trending right will take you into really soft, sandy rock. Even staying left I still managed to break a hold. The descent was simple and took 10 minutes. Overall this was a fun route on a wall that doesn't seem to get climbed very often. Apr 27, 2015
North Kingstown, RI
[Hide Comment] There is some confusion as to this climb and Geriatric Therapy. Apparently some people consider going left up the left facing corner to the bolted belay and then on to a third pitch a variation of Geriatric Therapy and some a different climb(All That Jazz). For example, the Handren guidebook considers it a variation of Geriatric Therapy. If you look at the photos for the two climbs they show the same left facing corner second pitch.… Apr 12, 2016
[Hide Comment] If you're comparing this to the newest Handren guidebook [2016], it's labeled as Greek Tragedy. The MP page for Greek Tragedy on is labeled simply as pitch 1 of Spontaneous Enjoyment. And to add to the confusion, This route uses the first pitch of Geriatric Therapy in Handren, and then continues to the anchor of Greek Tragedy [MP], and goes up from there. Clear as mud, right? :) Sep 10, 2016
Tom Bussell
portland, or
[Hide Comment] I climbed this route today with my wife and it was our first multi pitch trad route together. We had sun from about 8am-10am, then was fairly cold, with some wind gusts that made communication on P3 somewhat challenging. Otherwise very straightforward.

P1: straight forward bolted pitch but a little thin on the first two bolts. Great belay ledge but be sure to skip the first set of chains and use just for a quickdraw

P2: definitely the best pitch. Great pro with plenty of nut placements in the crack. I brought cams up but only used 1 near the top of the crack before the two bolts. Crux move at the second bolt is fun.

P3: took some route finding. Ultimately pretty much went straight up and a little left. I went right at the roof with cracks on either side with a good cam placement. The anchors are initially out of sight until you go another 20ft above the roof. Easy climbing but gear was a little thin and not as many horizontal placements as I expected.

Descent: first go climbers left up over the ridge line then zigzag down the west side of the ridge following open cracks to the north. Zigzag far west and north and down as you can, staying below the ridge line. When we were about as far north as you can go, there’s a 4th class chute into the main gully. We had to backtrack a few times before finding the path as it’s not super straight-forward.

Overall, great climb with some awesome exposure. Dec 27, 2018
William Thiry
Las Vegas
[Hide Comment] Great climb. P1 is good and P2 is excellent 3-stars. P3 is very good, too, with better rock quality and protection than expected. Small stoppers are very useful on p2. Walk off is very nice. Nov 17, 2020
Justin Mulvey
Irvine, CA
[Hide Comment] DECENT BETA: From the last anchor, go to the top of the ridge and take in the nice view, then walk straight back down the the last anchor and rap with a single 70m. A 60m would possibly work. If its dark you're not going to find the gully everyone says is simple to find, so don't waste your time. if it light, you will still probably not find it. I will also paste the decent beta from this web page, because the app does not display this info for some reason. But you won't need it because you will just rap the route and save time.

The route is fantastic!! The crux is on bolts, and rock is awesome, and the climbing goes fast. It was great for my partner who was new at leading gear.

Pasted location/decent beta:
"See the general description. The thumb-like feature stands out and easily identifies the start of this route. Approach time is a casual 20 minutes.

One of the best things about the route is it has a walk off - a really easy walk off! After topping out, walk up the ramp to the left toward an obvious tree. Then cut sharply right and walk along the ridge line - there are some cairns, but they seem to lead everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The trick is this, as you walk west along the ridge, always try to trend to the right (toward the "U" notch or saddle and away from the park). You will have to trend left toward the park and then back toward the saddle a couple of times but ultimately, you will end up in the saddle gully. Until you know the descent, you will find this a little confusing, however trending right will ultimately lead you right to the easy gully where you can turn sharply right again and hike back to your pack in about 5 minutes.
If you use this "always right" method, the correct descent NEVER gets dangerous or exposed. You will come to areas that are both, when this happens, backtrack, go to the left to easier terrain and start trending right again as soon as possible. You will know you are close when you go down into a gully and see a huge solitary boulder leaning across a two-level slab. If you walk past this boulder and turn around to look at it, it has two rectangular holes in it and you can see it is practically hollow inside. These two "eyes" look in the direction you want to go in. Continue down where you will see two big boulders in the gully. Go under the first and under or over the second. Total descent time is about 20 minutes.

If you have time, when you come out of the descent gully, go west toward the saddle and Cut Your Teeth crag (literally minutes away) and climb November Daze (5.7 100') and September Knights (5.9 85')!" Dec 21, 2021
[Hide Comment] Fun route that would be a good alternative if Red Riding Hood Wall was packed. Pitch 2 is the money pitch with some interesting moves and decent pro. The walk off is definitely worth doing, great views and fun to be on top of the Calico hills. When we did it, there were no cairns and we just continued to trend right, though got cliffed out a few times and had to back track. Keep an eye out for the final descent gully at the location of notch, not the most obvious. This descent definitely takes a little route finding but worth doing. Apr 30, 2022
[Hide Comment] Walk off is fine if you can’t be bothered to rap but there were rap rings/maillons on all anchors Apr 2023. For walk, roughly:
- go up to tree and turn right along ridge, you’ll come to a cliff - backtrack slightly and drop down to west side to continue.
- You’ll come to first big gully, this isn’t the one but go slightly down it and then back up onto the ridge
- the next gully is the one, looks a bit improbable but is easy once you get onto the chute proper. Apr 14, 2023
Paul Stoliker
Canmore, AB
[Hide Comment] In the 2016 Handren Guide, this route is called Greek Tragedy. Following Handren's guide you climb:
- P1 = the first pitch of Handren's Spontaneous Enjoyment. This pitch is about 20' left of the bolted start to Geriatric Therapy. It is easier than the bolted pitch but has no bolts. However, it has excellent pro in the form of a +-3/4" cam then about 4 wonderful small wires.
- P2 = move up right and climb the wonderful left facing corner, then move up and left past two bolts to a bolted anchor. This is the crux pitch and is steep face climbing on good holds just before the anchor.
- P3 = move up and slightly left a few feet to a bolt then more or less straight up on trad gear to another bolted anchor. Pretty easy pitch.
This is an awesome route on excellent rock. I don't know why other comments mention suspect rock. The crux move to the P2 anchor is really fun and perfectly protected. Oct 27, 2023
CO mostly
[Hide Comment] Walkoff: from the tree, face the loop road and scramble easily down to the flat area below, which you'll take NW as it funnels into the gully. You could definitely link p1+2 comfortably if you skipped the 2nd anchors out left and just climbed directly up to the corner (still easy and safe). May 15, 2024
Tom Ponte
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] The first set of anchors you come to are not set up for rappel but the next set on the big ledge up a short ways to the left are. It would be possible to rap the whole route however it looks like getting a rope stuck would be a rather typical Red Rock 3D varnish gamble. The walk off gully is at least 50 yards northwest along the ridge directly across from the Cut your teeth crag and just before the top of the gradian angel pass. Nov 22, 2024