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5.10c, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 26 votes
FA: Alan Hirahara
California > Eastern Sierra > Mammoth Lakes Area > Al's Garage


Climb the face trending right into a corner. Climb this with difficulty and finish up the arete.


Located just right of "Vertigo"


10 bolts, open shuts anchor

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cruising jugs around the 2nd bolt on acrophobia
[Hide Photo] cruising jugs around the 2nd bolt on acrophobia
the gazelle just past the 2nd crux on acrophobia 10b
[Hide Photo] the gazelle just past the 2nd crux on acrophobia 10b

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Euan Cameron
Mammoth Lakes, CA
[Hide Comment] I found this climb to be easier than Vertigo to the left, but perhaps that was because this climb offered better rests and wasn't as sustained. Jan 31, 2007
[Hide Comment] Bouldery before the first bolt and the first of two cruxes of the route. Jul 7, 2014
[Hide Comment] Crux is clipping the 1st bolt. Just skip the clip, allows the rope to run better. Don't fall getting to the third bolt as you pass up a better clipping stance. After that the climb is easier and fun to the top. Sep 14, 2015
Lance Ranzer
Los Angeles, CA
[Hide Comment] The start is an 11a crux #1 to 1st bolt. Don't Fall!!! PG-13 - What a fun route afterwards. Nice finger crack at top - crux #2 Jun 5, 2018
Sunny Slopes + Berkeley, CA…
[Hide Comment] multiple ways to get to the first bolt, i went from the left via a few finger pockets, the gazelle went from the right on more prominent holds. the first bolt is 9-10' off the ground, not what i'd consider pg-13. overall 10b on a bad day... really fun and varied climbing, best of any of the routes i've done at al's garage. Sep 21, 2019
Alistair Veitch
Mammoth Lakes, CA / Whangar…
[Hide Comment] The initial moves to the first bolt feel much harder than 10b - maybe as hard as 11a? If you don't want to risk the fall (not bad on soft pumice, but still....) you could stick clip, or you can also start on East Side Days, clip the first bolt there, and traverse into the second bolt. Put long slings on at least one of those. Oct 30, 2022