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Don't Look Down

5.9, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 6 votes
FA: 10/2001, Greg Barnes, Barry Hutten
California > Eastern Sierra > Bishop Area > Owens River Gorge > Inner Gorge > Staying Power Towers
Warning Access Issue: Bridges Out! IMPORTANT LADWP NEGOTIATIONS!! DetailsDrop down


Climb past P1 anchors of "Don't Look Up" to large ledge and start of climb. Climb incredibly exposed steep jugs up and right and finish up a thin face.


Double-rope rappel to ground.


8 bolts

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[Hide Comment] You can do 2 raps with a single 60m, but be very careful getting to the intermediate station as you're fully hanging and have to reach in to grab the station. Dec 15, 2006
[Hide Comment] This pitch seemed kind of contrived. In fact, so much so that we went straight up to avoid traversing into Don't Look Up. Our variation, which the guidebook lists as a project, was pretty exciting: two bolts to cover at least 30' of climbing the end of which is harder than 5.9. Dec 21, 2006