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Gravity Boots

5.7, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 233 votes
FA: Eddie Whittemore, Paul Sloan - 1992
Tennessee > Foster Falls > 11. Rocket Slab
Warning Access Issue: Daily online climbing registration required for TN State Park areas DetailsDrop down


Another excellent route for neophyte leaders, with a thin and reachy section down low that's a little harder than the grade. Follow the face just left of an arete up to the top.


Rocket Slab area; starts just right of Afterburner and left of the arete.


4 bolts, bolted anchors.

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Gravity Boots 5.7 (Farthest right climb on Rocket Slab)
[Hide Photo] Gravity Boots 5.7 (Farthest right climb on Rocket Slab)
Ryan leading.
[Hide Photo] Ryan leading.
Lead Climb Flash<br>
Age 9<br>
[Hide Photo] Lead Climb Flash Age 9
Lindsey climbing Gravity Boots.
[Hide Photo] Lindsey climbing Gravity Boots.

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Stonyman Killough
[Hide Comment] Nice intro into slab climbing. A hold missing between 2nd & 3rd bolt makes for an interesting crux. Worth the climb. Oct 30, 2008
James Earp
[Hide Comment] I climbed this yesterday and had a pretty good time on it. It's a really simple climb but has a nice crux that takes a little thought when climbing. Good warm up for the 5.11s to the right of the area! Jul 4, 2010
Jason Watts
[Hide Comment] climbing the route proper seemed a little sandbagged at 5.7, but if you trend left at crux and reach for the bolts it feels no different than gravity boots next to it. Dec 13, 2011
Alan Brock
Cleveland, TN
[Hide Comment] Went left of the bolts to keep it 5.7; good warmup. Going straight up the bolts is harder than a 7 IMO. Oct 20, 2013
Mark O'Neal
Nicholson, GA
[Hide Comment] Going straight up the bolt line is a major sand bag at 5.7. Super polished makes for terrible smearing. May 8, 2016
Matt H
[Hide Comment] Note that the first photo for this climb is of the 5.5 to the left (Afterburner), not Gravity Boots. Some of the comments also seem to confuse this and the climb has four, not three bolts. To keep Gravity Boots in its current state at grade, you climb well left of the bolt line after the second bolt. It is not a good lead for someone working this grade given that clipping is tenuous. Dec 28, 2019
Max Walker
Saratoga Springs, NY
[Hide Comment] I might just suck but this felt way hard for 5.7. I did the supposed crux between the 2nd and 3rd bolt and then was completely at a loss how to get to the 4th. The direct line up the slab looked, idk 10ish? Going left looks very easy 5.5 or 5.6, but then you would be miles away from the bolt. Apr 14, 2021
Flav Core
Miami, FL
[Hide Comment] Spicy feet after the 3rd bolt... Gonna have to project this route. Jun 15, 2021
[Hide Comment] Pretty standard slab climb. The crux is about 2 movements long, and you get a solid hold after it. Aug 8, 2024