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Knob Hill

5.7, Trad,  Avg: 2.1 from 7 votes
FA: Unkhown.
California > Lake Tahoe > S Shore > Pie Shop > 7. Main Wall > Main Wall (Left)


Good route. Fun solo. From the base of the main corner of Crepes Corner, climb a chimney. follow a right leaning flake/crack, then up steep knobs.


left of "Crepes Corner".


Pro to 2", tie-off slings.

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"Knob Hill".<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] "Knob Hill". Photo by Blitzo.
I outlined the route I took which I think is harder than 5.7 so I may have been off route.
[Hide Photo] I outlined the route I took which I think is harder than 5.7 so I may have been off route.
Knob hill
[Hide Photo] Knob hill
On top of Knob Hill blocks
[Hide Photo] On top of Knob Hill blocks
Knob Hill chimney
[Hide Photo] Knob Hill chimney

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Ed Henicle
Santa Rosa, CA
[Hide Comment] We really liked this climb. It starts at the Crepes Corner belay. Lots of pro in the chimney, and enough knobs to sling up high. We broke it into 2 pitches so the leader could watch the chimney action! Apr 21, 2014
DJ Reyes
Northern Nevada
[Hide Comment] Okay, I led this yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'm not sure I went the correct way, as the route I took seemed a bit stiff for 5.7. Looking at Ed's picture of the climber on top of the blocks, well I climbed the chimney and then took the crack shown to the right of the climber to the top of the blocks. Also, getting established on the knob-filled face above seemed a bit stiff for 5.7. Once on the face however the climbing was straight forward and fun with all the knobs and chicken heads. Either way it was a good time and I look forward to trying the right hand variation called Fluted Crust. Feb 18, 2015