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Interproximal Stripper

5.7, Sport, TR, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 150 votes
FA: Todd Lane, 16 Sept 06
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (01) Calico Basin > Guardian Angel… > Cut Your Teeth Crag
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Seven bolts to anchors. This climb ascends the left-most edge of CYT and can be used to access the chains of Laughing Gas and Braces and Bridges to establish three TR routes. Just when you think it’s not 5.7, check your feet - now, rinse and spit. You’ll have to use draws to establish a TR on this one.


See the attached topo, but this is the left most (west)route on CYT.


Seven bolts to anchors. All hardware is painted black.

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Mid-way through the climb
[Hide Photo] Mid-way through the climb
Brian leading "Stripper" route; good movement on holds that will move too!
[Hide Photo] Brian leading "Stripper" route; good movement on holds that will move too!

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Salt Lake City, Utah
[Hide Comment] Really fun climbing with close bolts so it's well protected...but...the rock here is fragile so expect some (lots) of holds to break until much more traffic climbs here. Nov 21, 2006
George Wilson
Las Vegas
[Hide Comment] Fun sport route...Lots of loose rock taken down by my 250 lbs friend!!! The little bulge below the anchors seemed loose so use a bit of caution! Nov 12, 2007
[Hide Comment] There are no chains or rap rings attached to the anchor bolt hangers. Rap off the anchors of the adjacent toperope route to its right, or a take long or steep walkoff. A light and choosey touch will help to keep from popping holds. May 12, 2009
Chris D
the couch
[Hide Comment] I agree with George. Near the top of this route is a loose block that could probably be pulled off with catastrophic results if you didn't know what you were doing, but it seemed okay so long as only downward force is applied.

Route seemed pretty clean to me Christmas, 2009. Jan 3, 2010
Walt Barker
Western NC
[Hide Comment] Fun route in a great location with an interesting approach. Didn't seem too loose except for one hold near the bottom. May 19, 2011