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Buddha Belly

5.10a, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 124 votes
FA: Jason Stevens
Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Right Fork > Zen Garden


Sort of weird route, the crux passing the first bolt.


Left most route on the main wall, starting just above the landing created by the log wedged between two trees.


3 bolts

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There's the tree wedge.  And some 10.c's and d's between
[Hide Photo] There's the tree wedge. And some 10.c's and d's between

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David Crane
Utah / Alaska
[Hide Comment] Strange one for sure, but I liked it. Most people I talked to did not though Jun 10, 2012
[Hide Comment] liked it a lot, wish it kept going. mondo slopers! Nov 23, 2012
Steve Kimpel
Rexburg, ID
[Hide Comment] Was told it was a 5.9. Not particularly remarkable. Jun 22, 2023