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Party Down

5.12a, Sport, 25 ft (8 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 64 votes
FA: Dan McQuade, May 1995
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (05) Sandstone… > Calico Hills Trail > Stratocaster Area
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


I am entering this route from a few vague notes recorded in my book from Dec of '02. It does not seem to appear in the Swain guidebooks, or at least I could not reconcile it with anything until the Handren Book, which clearly showed it to be Party Down, a bolted "5.12." It felt a lot easier, but I admit that the grade noted is only my guess.
To the right of the climbs Cut Loose and Foot Loose, but well left of the pocketed wall and climb Marshall Amp, there is a rounded boulder, nearly ball-shaped with 3 bolts on the face leading to a 2-bolt anchor. Climb this strenuous line to the anchor and lower off. Most of the holds are odd horizontals and pockets, but a few edges give more pump. Short, but OK fun if you are in the area.


On the S. Face of a ball-shaped boulder there are 3 bolts leading to an anchor...


2 bolts to lower-off anchors

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Lucy on belay as Lana parties down on the shortest route in RR with an 80M cord!
[Hide Photo] Lucy on belay as Lana parties down on the shortest route in RR with an 80M cord!
Justin Salas working the moves on Party Down
[Hide Photo] Justin Salas working the moves on Party Down
Sean Rhodes Flashing Party Down
[Hide Photo] Sean Rhodes Flashing Party Down

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Basically a roped boulder problem. Feels V3/4ish, so 12a doesn't seem like a stretch. Hard to give a route grade, though.

I thought it was very fun with nice movement on neat holds. Well worth climbing. Better with the proper low start. Nov 18, 2009
J tot
Tempe, AZ
[Hide Comment] Roped boulder problem.. I would agree. "Red Rocks : A Climber's Guide" by Jerry Handren gives it 5.12b and only 25feet.

This route is definitely shorter than 40feet. Much shorter. Mar 14, 2010
Mark Doliner
[Hide Comment] I agree--V3/V4. Apr 5, 2014
[Hide Comment] The left anchor bolt wobbles noticeably Dec 30, 2018
Kalvin Hom
San Francisco, CA
[Hide Comment] Pretty silly route as it's just a boulder problem. I think I will agree with the guidebook as a 12b just because the individual boulder moves are probably harder than what you find in most of the 12a's in Red Rock. Oct 27, 2019
[Hide Comment] Pretty sure this one has only 2 bolts and felt way soft for 5.12a, even from the sit start. Moves are cool though and definitely a fun one to fill the time. Jan 14, 2020
[Hide Comment] The wallowed out left anchor bolt has been replaced. Dec 11, 2020
Jesse Dunn
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] Fun little route. Low start feels V4/5.… Dec 1, 2024