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Ride The Lightning

5.11b/c, Sport,  Avg: 2.9 from 76 votes
FA: Kent Benesch, Tom Blust, Doug Phillips, 1987
Oregon > Central Oregon > Smith Rock > (u) Red Wall
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Raptor Nesting Closures DetailsDrop down


A thin start on good rock gives way to easier climbing.


This climb starts to the left of Fingers of Fate on a ledge.



Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Bottom to top: jug haul!
[Hide Photo] Bottom to top: jug haul!
Matt starting on "Ride the Lightning" at Smith Rock, OR.
[Hide Photo] Matt starting on "Ride the Lightning" at Smith Rock, OR.
Matt on "Ride the Lightning" at Smith Rock, OR.
[Hide Photo] Matt on "Ride the Lightning" at Smith Rock, OR.
Contemplating which jug to use of all the jug choices.
[Hide Photo] Contemplating which jug to use of all the jug choices.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Wolfgang Braun
Beavercreek, Oregon
[Hide Comment] I found this route to be pretty thin, and painful. It definitely eased the higher you got on the route. Oct 14, 2008
Evan Schwender
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] Currently a hornets nest in a pocket at the 4th bolt. Great route other than that. Aug 11, 2018
Sam Meade
Portland Oregon
[Hide Comment] One of my favorite climbs I have done at Smith! Gets a little run out after bolt three, but if you made it that far it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Not easy on the fingers but if you love thin delicate climbing it is a must do! Jun 9, 2019
Paul L
Portland, OR
[Hide Comment] Right anchor bolt seems to be loose in the hole as of 3/30/24. Reported via the online form.

Very thin with some sharp crimps. Crux could be about anywhere in the first few bolts. Eases towards the top. Mar 31, 2024