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5.10b, Trad, 180 ft (55 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 14 votes
FA: Mike Graham, Steve West, and Alan Vick, October 1972
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Suicide Rock > (r) Sideshow Slab


This is a fairly nice face climb on slick rock. It is in the shade in the afternoon. The first pitch is the crux, and the second pitch 5.7.


4 bolts and a light rack

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C Miller
  5.10b PG13
[Hide Comment] Easily done in a single pitch, and all of the bolts have been replaced on this route. Dec 28, 2006
Bruce Diffenbaugh
[Hide Comment] It is worthy to add that this route was done in the style of the day,in which if you can lead the 5.10 on the route then the 5.7 above it going to be runout. Which it is. Nice to hear the bolts have be re-placed. Because sadly the second bolt on the 5.7 section has seen many long falls from climbers getting off route above. Mar 3, 2008
Visalia, Ca.
[Hide Comment] Short hard section but sweet,Unmemorable second. May 5, 2008
[Hide Comment] Shares first two bolt with Showstopper, then goes slightly left to a ledge with two bolt anchor. 2 more bolts on crystal crimps to a final anchor shared with Showstopper. It would be hatd to get off route I think. Oct 10, 2016
[Hide Comment] Technicality, but..., the other routes came after Ours so if other routes use the same bolts then they share the Ours bolts. Oct 13, 2016
Andrea Campanella
[Hide Comment] Nice moves. It felt a little easier than "Step up right". Aug 31, 2020