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5.9 R, Trad, 150 ft (45 m),  Avg: 1 from 12 votes
FA: Ivan Couch and Mike Dent, November, 1970.
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Suicide Rock > (r) Sideshow Slab


This runout face climb has a few interesting moves, but much of it involves climbing along a unaesthetic ramp.


two bolts and some small gear

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C Miller
  5.9 R
[Hide Comment] Protected where you need it most but runout. All the bolts have been replaced on this route. Dec 28, 2006
[Hide Comment] This is the first route located right of Hot Buttered Rump. The G+V book shows this staying right of a right facing dihedral on the second half, that would be pretty contrived. Directly above the 2nd bolt I went stright up into the easy dihedral. Rap anchors are located on the left, exiting the dihedral before it peters out. A 70m will get you to a ledge where you can walk off to the right. Oct 10, 2016