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5.8, Trad, 200 ft (61 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 1.8 from 27 votes
FA: unknown
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Suicide Rock > (l) Buttress of… > Buttress of Cracks -…


This is the first crack system to the right of East Buttress Gully. The first pitch has a mix of crack and face climbing. A clean, tight squeeze chimney on the second pitch is the crux, but it eases quickly after the first few moves. To descend, scramble left and up to the top of the buttress, then do a short downclimb on the far side.


standard rack, with some larger pieces

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Ryan Strickland
Idyllwild, CA
[Hide Comment] The awkward start on this route makes it a challenge to lead, but after that it's a fun crack climb. Crux is when the crack flares out and disappears before you reach the under-cling flake. Have a small cam or two ready to place under the flake when you get up there if you're worried about a big fall. Small tree plus a few pockets for cams/tricams for your anchor. Nov 6, 2010